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Orthoptic Vision Therapy

Orthoptic Vision Therapy is a patient and condition specific therapy. It is structured to assess each individual patient's visual potential, and enhance their visual capabilities, with the goal always being achieving the clearest vision possible with binocularity (the ability to use two eyes equally). 





The Orthoptic Process

Orthoptists specialize in the non surgical correction of multiple eye anomalies, namley amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (eye turns), low vision support, post-stroke/neurological support (visual rehabiitation), and vision related learning dysfunction. The best way to know whether Orthoptic Therapy would be beneficial to you, is to have your initial consultation

Initial Orthoptic Consultation


What we Assess...

Our initial consultation always begins with a comprehensive look into your visual history. You can expect to have a:

1. Full Visual Acuity Assessment

2. A Refraction to assess need for glasses, or appropriateness of current glasses

3. Eye Movement Assessment, looking at:

- Eye Posture; whether there is an eye turn and if so the type and severity

- Eye Teaming; The potential of the two eyes to point together at near and far 

- Eye Focus; The ability of the eyes to make things clear at near and in the distance

- Eye Tracking; The ability of the eyes to move together smoothly to help with fluency with reading

- Stereoacuity; Ability to see 3D 

Orthoptic Vision Therapy

How we treat you ...

Every Patient's Therapy will be tailored to their particular visual needs. The main goals of Orthoptic therapy are to:

1. Equalise the vision between the two eyes

2. Improve the eyes abilities to work together as a team

3. Give visual comfort

4. Gain binocularity


Orthoptic Therapy sessions are booked in either weekly or fortnightly and are 45 minutes long. Every in-clinic session is supported with prescribed home activities to help reinforce the skills taught during sessions. 

Orthoptic Reviews

How we follow up...

Once Your tailored course of Orthoptic Vision Therapy is complete, your Orthoptist will advise you about how often you need to follow-up. 


Ordinarily Orthoptic Reviews are set at 4 weeks, three months, six moths and then yearly. At your review your treating Orthoptist will check your eyes, advise of any activities that need to be continued, and give you tips about maintaining healthy sight.  

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